Taste of Indy is produced by Hargrove Mckenzie, LLC & is presented by various merchant associations & organizations. We will be allocating spaces for vendors at the sole discretion of the event organizer, but if you have a preference, let us know and we will try to honor it. Participants who apply early will have the best chance of receiving their ideal location.
APPLICATION PROCESS: We will continue to accept food vendor applicat ions up to thirty days before the even or until all available spaces at the event are full, whichever comes first. Submission of an application does not guarantee acceptance. You will be notified of your status within seven (7) days of our receipt of the c ompleted application and payment. You will also need to submit proof of your Food Handler’s Certificate to the Marion County Health Department in order to participate in this year’s event. Once submitted you will receive your vendor packet which contains a dditional event information (i.e. event layout, set up and tear down times), prior to the event.
PAYMENT: We will not accept any applications without payment. Payment can be made online at www.tasteofindy.org. A $50 charge will be assessed for bounced checks- no exceptions.
REFUND POLICY: No rain dates/no refunds after two (2) weeks from the date of application submittal. No refunds will be made on applications which are submitted sixty (60) days or less prior to the first day of the event, as all funds are committed to the production, promotion, marketing & advertising of the Taste of Indy. All refund requests must be made in writing & received by our office via email or mail, and must state reason for withdraw of your application.
MENU CHOICES/SIGNAGE: Please fill out your top 4 menu choices below . Menu items must be available for purchase individually with a maximum cost of no more the 5 tickets per item. Our goal is to provide our patrons with diverse menu items and encourage high volume multiple ta stings. We encourage smaller portion sizes to get food to patrons quickly.
BEVERAGE POLICY: The sale of soda and water is strictly prohibited. Only specialty beverages will be allowed i.e. homemade ice Tea, lemonade, smoothies. Beer and wine garden participants will be able to sale alcoholic beverages. Please contact us if you have a question about this policy.
LIABILITY, INSURANCE & FOOD ESTASBLISHMENT NUMBER REQUIRMENTS: All vendors must show proof of having a minimum of $1,000,000 in li ability and workers compensation insurance. You will be notified if additional insurance is required after your application has been accepted. You will be required to name Hargrove Mckenzie, LLC, and the City of Indianapolis, IN as additional insured. We m ust receive your certificate of insurance prior to the event. In addition, all applicants must provide us with their current food establishment numbers prior to the event. Under no circumstance would Hargrove Mckenzie, LLC, and the City of Indianapolis be responsible for loss or damage to participant’s property. Participants are advised to obtain enough insurance to cover the unforeseen. Participants agree to hold Hargrove Mckenzie LLC, the City of Indianapolis, their agents, employees, officers, representa tives, and assignees harmless regarding any alleged harm or injury to any person resulting from their participation in the event.
GREASE/TRASH/WASTE WATER: All food vendors need to provide ground cover inside their booths for the absorption of grease. Vendors will not be allowed to conduct business until the ground cover is in place. No grease or waste water is to be poured onto the ground or down any drains. Each vendor needs to have a plan for waste water and grease disposal. Participants are responsible for complying with federal, state and local standards of health, sanitation, fire and food safety. Vendors are responsible for collecting & properly bagging trash within their locations. The event organizers will collect properly bagged trash from outside of your sales location. Vendors must restore their booth back to its original state upon completion of the event. You will be responsible for any cleanup cost associated with your event area.
HAND WASHING STATIONS: Each booth must have a hand washing station. A MCHD packet will be provided to explain makeshift hand washing stations.
WATER/ICE: Water will be provided but please bring appropriate hoses, hose connections, & transport buckets. We will have ice available for purchase on a first come first serve basis on the day of the event. We cannot guarantee its availability.
ELECTRICITY: Your vendor fee includes Two (2) 15 amp/120v electrical (please contact the event organizer if you have additional electrical needs). Additional fees may apply.
TENTS: If you need a tent for your concession, contact the event organizer to make arrangements. Additional fees may apply.
RUNNING OUT OF FOOD: If you run out of product prior to the festival end, you will NOT be allowed to tear down until the close of the festival. If you are out of food for more than 30 minutes you also will be charged an additional 15% of total ticket sales. Each food vendor is required to submit a food resupply plan.
TICKETING SYSTEM: The currency for the Taste of Indy is food tickets. All vendors will be required to accept food tickets only. Festival goers will purchase tickets at ticket booths placed conveniently throughout the festival. Food tickets will be sold at a one ticket to one dollar ratio to festival goers. The tickets will then be exchanged later 1 ticket for $.80 cent for vendors. No one food item may exceed 6 tickets. This is to encourage multiple tastings. Please price and portion food items accordingly.